Tips and Tricks for Improving your Resume
A polished resume is the #1 tool to market yourself. Whether you are taking the next step in your career or looking for your first job. Your resume is the hiring’s manager first impression of you. Reviewing your resume and making small adjustments can help you stand out from the other applicants and captures the reader’s attention.
Start with your most recent experience
You want your experience to stand out! By putting your most recent experience at the top of your resume, you will catch your reader’s attention. Prioritizing your most recent positions will make it easier for the hiring manager’s to determine how your prior experience and qualifications apply to the job.
2. Check spelling and keep the format consistent
By having an error free resume, you are exhibiting your professionalism and attention to detail. Multiple fonts can also distract your reader. Best practice would be to limit yourself to two typefaces, one for your heading, and one for your body text. Always double check before submission, or ask a peer to review it for you.
3. Be specific to the job description
The key words used within a job description indicate the skills the hiring manager is looking for. Locate words that are frequently used within the description. If they apply to your skills or experience, be sure to include them within your resume.
4. Highlight your strengths
A few of the most sought after skills for a new hire are attention to detail, adaptability, and communication skills. Be sure to incorporate specific strengths you may possess that directly relate to the position you are applying for.
5. Keep it Concise
Keep your resume to one page and ensure that all information included is essential to promoting you as a candidate. Avoid using repetitive words or anything that does not add value.
6. Create multiple versions
Tailoring your resume to the job you are applying to will enable you to highlight the various skills you possess or projects that you have worked on that may be relevant to those positions.
Improving your resume is crucial to highlighting your skills, qualifications, and experiences, increasing your chances of securing job interviews. A well-crafted resume can effectively showcase your unique strengths, making you stand out among other candidates and ultimately increasing your chances of landing your desired job.