5 Things to Remember During the Interview Process

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You’ve worked hard on your resume and cover letter, and you finally landed an interview. Congratulations! Not sure how to prepare? Here are a few key things to remember.

1.     Do your research:

Make sure you do the proper amount of research on both the company and the interviewer. Understand not only what the company does, but how they differentiate themselves in their market. The best way to convince the interviewer that you know the company well is to be able to articulate what makes them better than competitors. Check out your interviewer’s LinkedIn and get an understanding of their background. This will help you prepare for both small talk and interview questions.

2.     Dress the part:

Always dress appropriately for an interview (even on Zoom), making sure you look professional and presentable. Do some research on the company’s dress code and then dress accordingly, or a bit more professional. Check for stains, snags, pet hair and holes. The night before your interview lay-out or hang up your outfit so you don’t have to have the stress of scrambling in the morning. For more tips, check out our post on how to nail your next video interview.

3. Be respectful of the interviewer(s):

Makes sure to be extremely respectful of the interviewers that are conducting the interview. Interviewers almost always write notes about your answers and your behavior. This is their first real impression of you (besides your resume) and leaving a lasting positive impression will go far in the interview process. First impressions matter!

4.     Be energetic:

When on the interview, boost your energy level, especially if the interviewer seems like a more outgoing person. While your skillset is important, it is also important that the interviewer believes that you would be a good fit for the company’s culture. If on a phone or video interview, talk with more volume than usual and focus on showing more energy in your tone of voice when answering questions. This is even more important on a phone interview, where they can’t see your physical expressions.

5.     Write thank you notes immediately after the interview:

Make sure to send an email to the interviewer right after completing your interview. Express thanks for the interviewer’s time and reinforce why you’re interested in the job and would be a good fit for the role and company. Bonus points for adding something that you discussed with the interviewer during your conversation. Looking for more thank you note tips? Click here.


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