6 Ways to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

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LinkedIn is the most prominent business-centric networking site in the world. Whether you are looking for a new role or positioning yourself as an expert in your industry, LinkedIn can be used to build your personal brand. Here are our top tips to optimize your presence on LinkedIn.

  1.  Update your profile picture

First impressions matter. This is one of the first elements someone is going to see when they go to your page. Make sure your profile photo is not only professional but is high-quality and taken in a well-lit environment.

2. Create a headline and summary

Sure, you could take the easy way out and leave it to your job title, but what good does that serve you? Because LinkedIn headlines are searchable, keywords are crucial here. Add a little bit more about what you do in your role and why you’re passionate about it. Use this space as a place to showcase your voice and your personality, while adding value.
3. Grow your network

Use connections to build your network. Not only does this include people you have an actual relationship with, such as friends, family, and colleagues, but with others in your industry. Sometimes it is helpful to add a note to your connection request, detailing your reason for connecting. You never know who may be able to help you with opportunities in the future. 

4. Add relevant skills and certifications

This is an easy way to highlight the things you specialize in. It also helps solidify what you detail in your headline and stand out from others in your industry. While you can add up to 50 skills (each of which can be endorsed by your network) we recommend adding anywhere from 15-20 and updating them as needed.

5. Brush up on your knowledge

Take a LinkedIn Learning course. These are great ways to dust off old skills and learn new ones. Not sure where to start? Check out some of our favorites.

6. Be active

Being active on LinkedIn increases your profile’s visibility. You can share relevant articles, engage on other’s posts, participate in conversations and create your own content. Not only are you adding value for your connections, but the platform will reward you by you will by showing up on the feed.


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