Time-Blocking: How to Maximize Productivity

A long to-do list can seem overwhelming at times (especially on a Monday). That’s why we’re here to tell you our (not so secret) tip for crushing your to-do list and staying on task - while being the most productive and efficient you’ve ever been. Enter, “time-blocking.”

(Image from ToDoist.com)

What is time-blocking?

Well, according to Todoist.com, time-blocking is “a time management method that asks you to divide your day into blocks of time. Each block is dedicated to accomplishing a specific task, or group of tasks, and only those specific tasks.”
Instead of writing down everything that needs to get done that day, in no particular order (chaotic, we know), time-blocking allows you to plan a specific schedule of what you need to be working on and when.

How do you time-block?

Whether you choose to add it to your Outlook calendar or write it in your daily planner, physically blocking off time gives you the mental clarity needed to be as efficient and productive as possible. At RJ HQ, we do this the night before, so we can wake up and have a direct plan of attack for the day. Our tips:

  • ·Start by listing out a few priority items, and the amount of time needed to complete them. Those go on your calendar or planner first. That way, you know you are getting the most important tasks done.

  • Block off breaks and personal time. Working straight through the day can often lead to burnout. Whether that is for lunch, or just a 10-minute break to stretch your legs and grab a cup of coffee, the small breaks allow you to clear your head and get back to work ready to take on the next task at hand.

  • Set a physical timer.  If you plan on having a brainstorming session for 30 minutes, set your phone timer. When it’s over, you’ll know that you were intentional with your time and can move on to the next task. If you’re old-school and like to set a physical timer- check out this time cube. Looks great on a desk and comes in a variety of colors.

  • Incorporate task batching. This means grouping together similar tasks and doing them at once. By keeping similar activities together, you can create a more streamlined workflow.

Not only does time-blocking help you focus by giving all of your attention to one specific task at a time, but it will lead to less distraction throughout the day. Time-blocking will leave you more efficient and productive - just ask team RJ. Try it out for yourselves and leave us a comment on Instagram!


Meet the Team- Colette Cacciatore


How to: Write a Post-Interview Thank You Note