How To: Boost Your Productivity

Whether you are working at home or are back in the office, keep these tips in mind for staying focused and productive!

  1. Condense your daily to-do list

Keep things simple. While creating a to-do list is extremely helpful in staying organized, it can be a bit overwhelming. By using a more realistic and focused daily list, you’ll be able to both complete projects and leave room for things that will inevitably pop up.

2. Aim for quality not quantity 

True value is measured by results, not just busy work. Quality work is more valuable in the long run than quantity work. Using your to-do list, organize tasks by priority so you can focus on putting your best foot forward in each project.

3. Set reminders 

Your calendar will be your best friend when boosting productivity and staying organized. Setting reminders to complete certain projects or check-ins on your calendar will keep you on top of tasks.  

4. Breakdown big projects into smaller tasks

Big projects can be intimidating to tackle at one time, so breaking them down into multiple tasks can make them feel less overwhelming. On top of making these large projects more manageable, you will gain a sense of accomplishment with the smaller projects you complete.

5. Learn to say no

When you don’t have the time or mental capacity to take on another project, it is OK to say no. Being overworked can lead to projects not being completed, so allow yourself to take a step back from certain projects.

6. Eat lunch away from your desk

It is important to take time away from your desk to refresh and prevent burnout. Stepping away from your desk to eat lunch can boost long-term productivity and allow your brain to take a break from ongoing projects. Coming back to projects after a break can allow you to see them with fresh eyes.

7. Give yourself a break

Taking time to unplug can help you get more done. Whether it’s taking a break during lunch or not checking your email in the evening, you can get a second wind on productivity during the workday.

8. Take care of your health

This is one of the most important ways to stay on track at work. Staying on a regular schedule, from getting an adequate amount of sleep to your diet, can assist in you performing at your best level.

9. Don’t procrastinate

There are many ways you can eliminate procrastination at work and using your to-do list can you help with this. Identify what items you are likely to put off so that they stay on your radar. Using reminders and hard deadlines can motivate you to get it done.

10. Clean up your space

Staying organized at your desk can limit lost files and reminders. Getting into the habit of cleaning your desk at the end of each day or work week can increase productivity as well as preventing illness and stress!



Meet the Team: Meaghan Gotham


Meet the Team: Julianna Bray