Meet the Team: Julianna Bray

Name: Julianna Bray

Hometown: Winchester, MA

Education: George Washington University

Past Experience: Digital Marketing/Business Development

What is your role here at Roessel Joy?

I’m an Account Manager – I source new jobs for the recruiters and am the point of contact between the client and candidate!

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Providing offers to candidates! It is so rewarding to be able to assist them in all steps of their job search, specifically sharing the good news with them as they start a new chapter.

Why do you like working at Roessel Joy?

The company culture here is everything. Even though I only started a few months ago, I feel confident in turning to any of my coworkers for career advice or life advice!

What values drive and motivate you?

My family – I hope to be able to give back to them as much as they have given and provided for me to be where I am today.

What is your favorite piece of career advice?

My favorite piece of career advice is that nothing happens overnight. If you want to be successful, especially in sales, you must put the hard work in and you will see the results in time!

What is one thing we should know about you that we can’t find on LinkedIn?

I love to travel – I was abroad in Europe for 6 weeks this past summer! I also have two kitties named Walter Hobbes and Willow.


Connect with Julianna on LinkedIn here!



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