How To: Prepare for an Interview

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So, your application has gotten a gold star and you’ve made it to the interview stage, congrats! That is a major accomplishment in itself. Now, we all know that interviews can be nerve-wracking.  There’s a lot to think about! What to wear? What to say? What to expect? Taking the time to prepare for an interview will boost your confidence and bring you one step closer to landing a job offer! Read Roessel Joy’s top tips on how to prepare for an interview.

1.     Research the company.

Researching the company is one of the most important parts of preparing for an interview. This will give you a competitive advantage over other candidates. Not only will it help you guide the discussion, but it gives you the opportunity to tie your experience into what they may be looking for. It is important that you understand what the company does and what services they offer to add to your talking points.

2.     Research the people you will be speaking with.

On top of researching the company, you should always research the person you will be interviewing with. Look to see if you have any mutual connections on LinkedIn! Not only does this help with conversation starters, but it helps you understand types of questions that may be asked. It also gives you the ability to tailor your questions to their role at the company.

3.     Brainstorm answers to potential questions.

One of the best ways to prepare for an interview is to brainstorm your answers to any questions that an interviewer may ask. For example, the interviewer may ask how your experience ties to the role they are looking for. Make sure you have concrete examples to connect back to each question. It also helps to be very well versed in your resume. Reviewing what you have done in previous roles will help you answer questions on the spot.

4.     Come with questions prepared.

Towards the end, interviewers will typically ask if you have any questions.  Having some written down will show you are prepared and engaged. Some example questions include:

·       What does the typical day-to-day look like in this role?

·       How have you enjoyed working for [company name]?

·       How do you measure success in this role?

·       What attracted you to [company name]?

·       What is the culture like?

5.     Dress your best.

Not only does dressing professionally make you stand out, but it also helps with your personal confidence. Even if the company you are interviewing with has a casual environment, we suggest dressing business professionally. Don’t forget to iron if you’re wearing a suit – no wrinkles here! First impressions are everything!


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